Mini-Zine – Always Hungry
I’m not sure about you but I’ve had a little pivot in my personal health routine since I’ve been home during COVID-19. One day, I saw myself in the reflection of our patio door window and I thought, “when did I turn into a potato?!”
Now, I know that there are lots of people who are struggling with body dysmophia and disordered eating during this time. So my potato comment is pretty insensitive. My main concerns are for health – I enjoy going to my Dr once a year and him confirming that I’m uber healthy. This year, I had luckily managed to see my Dr. for a check-up 4 days before covid blew up here in Alberta. And, he told me that I need to be careful about my yearly body weight increase.
The first month of quarantine was comfort food, snacks, special recipes… OK, ok… Easter was downright decadent. After my ‘I’m a potato” meltdown, I had a deep chat with my partner about my habits and then created a list of how I really felt about food.
- What flavours and foods do I really enjoy?
- What foods make me feel great?
- What foods do I currently eat but I don’t truly enjoy?
- What foods should I avoid?
- What ‘special treats’ are really worth it?
There were some surprises (like I don’t like doughnuts, wtf?). Anyways, with Sober Summer, I found out that creating stuff helps me make new habits. So here’s my mini-zine of my new ‘food rules’ that I intend to live by.

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