Going (virtually) to TCAF 2021

Have you heard of TCAF? I hadn’t until I discovered the comic book world. It’s the Toronto Comic Arts Festival (TCAF) and it is like THE gathering place for Canadian cartoonists/illustrators and publishers… maybe even North America. Especially, for Indie comics. I would have been SO INTIMIDATED to sign up to table in person but COVID has brought me some silver linings in access to events like this because of the festival going digital.
SO I’M GOING TO BE AT TCAF! Please check it out between May 8-15, 2021.

Some of my all-time favourite comic book artists and publishers will be there. If you are new to comics, you will SURELY find something that appeals to you at this online festival.
What will be at my vendor page?

Sober Summer Comic
I wrote this comic in the summer of 2019 and in doing so reset my relationship to alcohol. I used to worry that I may have addition issues and have THE WORST guilty hangover. A lot of people are examining their relationship with booze during the pandemic; I hope that my experience can lessen the anxiety of asking these emotional questions of oneself and normalize the process of re-examining and changing your habits.
Postcard Set – Rocky Mountain Series 2021

During our first pandemic summer, I would daydream and freeform watercolour paint scenes in my memory of our hikes in the Rocky Mountains. No photo references, just mental images and memories. I just went with the flow and went where the blobs took me. It was very therapeutic. I used the beautiful BEAM paints for all of these paintings, which felt fitting as Anong Beam hand creates these paints from the LaCloche mountain range near her home in M’Chigeeng First Nation on Manitoulin Island.
Locations featured on the 6 paintings:
- Baker Creek, Lake Louise
- Elbow Lake, Kananaskis
- Giant Steps, Lake Louise
- Takakkaw Falls, Yoho
- Three Sisters Mountains, Canmore
- Valley of the Waterfalls, Kananaskis

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