The the lush mountain valleys of Slovenia

A Road Trip in Slovenia

Imagine winding mountain roads, lush green forests, and sparkling blue lakes... is this the fictional world of Lord of the Rings? No, its the hidden gem of Europe that is the nation of Slovenia. Why Slovenia? Hiša Franko Our interest in Slovenia first began with an episode of Chef's Table about Ana Ros and her ...


Everyday Ramen in Tokyo

My first meal in Japan was a delicious, aromatic bowl of ramen. I had been dreaming of this moment since we booked our flights...even before. During our trip, my boyfriend (now husband) and I tried all sorts of different ramens. The combinations are endless. There's nourishing broth, noodles, veggies, pork. What's not to ...

Gyokuro Tea

Tea Tasting in Tokyo

I highly recommend doing a tea tasting or a tea ceremony in Japan. Billy and I aren't major tea drinkers so we opted for a more casual tasting over a ceremony. We left the experience with an appreciation for tea and discovered some new flavours in our palate. This post I'm going to share a few photos I took during the ...

Finding Edmonton in Tokyo Sushi Bar

I keep a small, grey-thatched Shinola notebook when I travel. I start each trip by recording my thoughts and feelings in the airplane on route. Did you know that people are typically more emotional in an airplane? Writing on the plane is a special gift to tap into those introspective, emotional places (without needing a drink ...

First Timer To Japan Series: Start Planning

Are you thinking about going to Japan? Great! You are going to have an amazing time. My partner and I decided to go while we put off planning our wedding back in 2016. It was magical. We ate, found inspiration, met cool people, and discovered new hobbies. At first, it can feel intimidating since everyone says that Japanese ...

Closeup of watercolor pate

Flenglish: Bourgondier

My husband has started a side-business making #pateforthepeople! He's selling his handmade pâtés, inspired by Belgian tradition, at the 124 Street Grand Market in Edmonton, Alberta. Check out his website, bourgondier.ca, to see the market schedule and learn more about his pâtés. I'll also be there, sending out smiles, ...

Photo Essay from Amy Dillon

Today we're catching up with a former Migration Patterns interviewee, Amy Dillon. She mentioned in the podcast that she had recently taken up photography and I've enjoyed watching her talent progress over the past 8 months or so. I asked her to share some of her work on the blog and she agreed! Here's the podcast episode ...