Learning Stuff
Gyokuro Tea

Tea Tasting in Tokyo

I highly recommend doing a tea tasting or a tea ceremony in Japan. Billy and I aren't major tea drinkers so we opted for a more casual tasting over a ceremony. We left the experience with an appreciation for tea and discovered some new flavours in our palate. This post I'm going to share a few photos I took during the ...

Photo Essay from Amy Dillon

Today we're catching up with a former Migration Patterns interviewee, Amy Dillon. She mentioned in the podcast that she had recently taken up photography and I've enjoyed watching her talent progress over the past 8 months or so. I asked her to share some of her work on the blog and she agreed! Here's the podcast episode ...

Reading 2018 - Monthly Recap

Connecting through Reading in 2018

My word for 2018 is connecting. But whatever do you mean, Meredith? Well you see... The last couple years have been quite outward focused for me and this year I'm looking to celebrate and enjoy my 'interior' life - friends, family, my home, my new hobbies. As part of having one word as my 2018 theme, I'm including ...

Migration Patterns Podcast logo

Migration Patterns Podcast is now live!

My very first podcast season is now live! Migration Patterns is an interview show where I speak to immigrants who have made Canada their home. At first, I was looking to interview recent immigrants and new Canadians but as a moved forward with this project, I learned that the immigration process is an experience that stays ...

Use the hashtag Diverse Reads 2017

Reading Diversely in 2017

And kinda failing at that in 2016... Partway through 2016, a coworker of mine wrote an article in a newsletter about the lack of diversity and lack of exposure for authors of colour in the publishing industry and what libraries can do to promote diverse reading. I took at look at my reading stats thus far in Goodreads and ...

Conflict Resolution and Healthy Relationships

I recently wrote this after taking a webinar on Making Difficult Conversations Easy by the Effectiveness Institute. It was first published in my workplace newsletter. I've put the techniques into action a couple of times this month and they work! If conflict stresses you out, give it a whirl - you have nothing to ...

Palma il Vecchio - de Badende Nymphenen Diana and Callisto

Finding Affordable Local Art for Your Home

As a child, visiting my Grandma B's house meant seeing naked ladies.  In paintings on the walls. [caption id="attachment_2798" align="aligncenter" width="500"] Palma il Vecchio - de Badende Nymphenen Diana and Callisto. It probably was not this exact painting, but something similar...[/caption] She had a detailed yet ...