Learning Stuff
A watercolour illustation of a mouth, inside is a gold ball and colour is rising that looks like a sunrise.

Flenglish – Morning

In an attempt to learn more Flemish, I asked my in-laws to give me their favourite Flemish sayings and I would illustrate them as I go. It's a sporadic project that I'm going to share with you as I go. This is from my father-in-law, Michel: "de ochtendstond heeft goud in de mond"Flemish saying "the morning has ...

A list of resources that I found helpful on my sober curious journey

Good Advice and Stories for your Sober Curious Journey

At the beginning of my sober curious journey, I found a lot of quiet support from different types of art - writing, listening, watching films and tv, and making different recipes. I find that alcoholism and sober lifestyles are being discussed and explored more and more in mainstream culture. Or, I'm just aware now that ...

Meredith sitting on a bike rack that says Books

A Decade of Books

I have always felt that what a person reads five years before informs who they are in the present. It is so wild to me that we are heading into a new DECADE and thought this was a good time to reflect on what happened over the past ten years and what I read during those moments that left an impression. Here's hoping the ...

Cover of Sober Summer Comic

Sober Summer Comic Book

I have a long history of what I call 'the guilty hangover.' It comes the morning after I partake in alcohol beverages. The trends were these: No matter what. Even if I didn't do anything bad at all - these feelings still come like a tidal wave. One morning, I woke up, had all the feelings, took myself out to brunch ...

A photo of my linocut print of Nude Woman in the Mountains. The image is black and white.

Book Club – Women and Great Outdoors

This year, I was lucky to do a few back-country hikes in Canada's national parks. Leading up to these adventures, I was doing some researching; 1) to keep me safe in the wild and 2) to tap into my inner wilderness explorer. There are some really fascinating books out there of brave women, who love the outdoors, sharing ...

an illustrated drawing of Edmonton's River Valley facing west towards the High Level Bridge. The drawing highlights Cree stories that were told by Dr. Dwayne Donald.

Indigenous History in Edmonton’s River Valley with Dr. Dwayne Donald

A couple years ago, I went on an INCREDIBLE walking tour to learn about local indigenous history in Edmonton's River Valley. It was led by professor Dr. Dwayne Donald who is a professor at the Faculty of Education for the University of Alberta. His ancestry is Papaschase Cree and also has connections to the Blackfoot. The ...

Photo of Meredith Typography

What Are Some of Your Favourite Things?

I've been teaching myself hand-drawn lettering since last summer - and I've gotten some good practice with chalkboard menus selling pâté at the 124th Grand Market in Edmonton. While I've been learning, I found a great lettering website "Hom Sweet Hom". The creator, Lauren Hom, has a challenge project called HOMwork. There ...