My Best Books of 2024 and Leaving GoodReads
This year, my reading world was re-illuminated by Louise Erdrich. While reading The Sentence, I was transported to Minneapolis during COVID-19 and was equally enthralled with her characters. Erdrich is an Indigenous author who writes novels, poetry, and children's books. Then, I read her newest title, The Mighty Red, and ...
Creating A Pottery Plate Set You Love
This winter, I had a goal of creating a set of pottery dinner plates for my home. This is my first set and I'm now obsessed with plates. I'm no expert or teacher. My goal here is to share my "lessons learned" for fellow potters so you will avoid my mistakes and create a pottery plate set you love. Let me take you through the ...
My Favourite Books of 2022 – Mystery & History
Since 2016, I've reviewed what I learned and enjoyed in my reading life. Additionally, I also have a annual challenge of tracking the diversity in authors in my pursuit of advocating for more diversity in publishing. In 2023, I've read around 17,000 pages (according to GoodReads) and 50 books. Here's my favourite books of ...
2021 Reading Review and Favourite Titles – “Self-help doesn’t help”
Pandemics aren't good for much but it has been good for my reading levels. This is the second year in a row that I've read 50 books or more. Every time there is a change in pandemic restrictions, I find I have a little panic and go straight into looking for books to read, either from the library or buying. Looking over the ...
Leaning Into Your Curiosity – The Way In Podcast
I was a guest on The Way In to Fulfillment and Joy - a podcast hosted by my friend Morgan Cox. She and I have been artistic collaborators for years and I was so happy to have a long chat with her about curiosity, art, well-being, and confidence. I also talk about my Sober Summer comic, recalibrating my drinking habits, and ...
Science Literacy Sketchnotes: Critical Thinking Pt. 2
Wow, this module was a doozy, which likely means that I had a lot to learn in the area of CRITICAL THINKING. Here are my notes where I ended up going on a personal journey regarding my recent purchase of some aromatherapy for sleep. And then, slowly begin to recollect all the conspiracy theories I have seen in Instagram ...
Science Literacy Sketchnotes: Critical Thinking, Pt. 1
Week 3 in the Science Literacy MOOC is on Critical Thinking. This is the most intensive module in the course (estimated 6.5 hours of learning) with extra readings. So, I got about halfway yesterday and decided to take a break and let my brain seep in the knowledge over a good night's sleep. I'm still dreaming about ...