
Science Literacy Sketchnotes: Critical Thinking, Pt. 1

Week 3 in the Science Literacy MOOC is on Critical Thinking. This is the most intensive module in the course (estimated 6.5 hours of learning) with extra readings. So, I got about halfway yesterday and decided to take a break and let my brain seep in the knowledge over a good night’s sleep.

I’m still dreaming about science and it’s a real trip my friends. I haven’t had this experience since university.

So here are the notes for Pt. 1 of Critical Thinking. This is an area that my brain needs some exercising. A really big, helpful takeaway for me is “Slow down to the speed of science.”

Cover image for Critical Thinking sketchnotes
When do we need to think critically? Talking, reading, writing, posting on social media, reading, shopping, LIVING LIFE!
So, you have a big question. 1) think critically 2) Slow down to the speed of science 3) question explanations and create rival explanations, 4) gather evidence 5) analyze evidence.
Thinking critically about Claims.
Coorelation is not Causation
Coorelation-Causation in Action - discussed the bidirectionality problem and 3rd variable
A goofy exercise but was helpful for a funny way to try concepts. What would yours be? Have fun with it!
The illusion of causality affects us all! Be aware of outcome frequency bias, test the cause, or do nothing and see what happens. Assess you mood, and look for more causes.
"Designing a worldwide strategy to reduce cognitive biases would be the greatest contribution that psychology could make to humanity." Lilienfeld et al. (2009)
Dr. Claire Scavazzo says "No Facts, no proof! There is only evidence and replicability."

Science Literacy MOOC Sketchnotes

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